Customs Duty Calculator

United States – Trade Statistics

  • The top exports of the United States are Refined Petroleum ($103B), Cars ($60.8B), Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($53.2B), Vehicle Parts ($38.4B) and Packaged Medicaments ($38.1B), etc. The net export value is $1.45T.
  • The top export destinations of the United States are Canada ($241B), Mexico ($194B), China ($134B), Japan ($67.5B) and Germany ($61.6B).
  • The top imports are Crude Petroleum ($230B), Cars ($155B), Computers ($92B), Refined Petroleum ($69.2B) and Vehicle Parts ($62.8B), etc. The net import value is $2.19T.
  • The top import origins are China ($432B), Canada ($331B), Mexico ($291B), Japan ($128B) and Germany ($121B).
  • United States holds a place of 7th out of 189 popular countries(economically) in case of doing a business in country. ‘Getting Credit’ is one of the topics in which United States has maintained it;s ranking(2) and better one in country. But the country has increased it’s ranking from 48 to 53 in case of ‘Paying Taxes’.