Non Sequitur

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in communications/debate, logic, and notably the law, non sequitur basically refers to a conclusion which is false or unsupported by its argument. In literature or comedy non sequitur refers more specifically to a statement which does not relate to what precedes it in a bizarre and often amusing way- a funny example of non sequitur […]


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Also known as Bulletbond. A bond or stock which cannot be redeemed by the issuer before a particular date or until maturity.


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Failure or refusal to obey or comply with a rule, regulation or standard, which can commonly result in serious action by an inspector or ombudsman.


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A signed formal agreement in which one party agrees to keep certain information secret. Often used in business when products or projects are being developed.


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In business, a member of a board of directors or a consultant who is not an employee of a company but who gives independent advice.

Non-Executive Director

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Also called Outside Director. A person who is an independent member of a company’s board of directors, i.e., they are not an employee of the company and are therefore not responsible for the day to day operations of the company but monitor the activities of the full time executives.

Non-Recourse Debt

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A type of loan or debt in which the borrower is not personally liable to the lender. If the borrower fails to make repayments the lender can only take back what was bought with the loan and none of the borrowers other assets.