Discretionary Income

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The amount of income a person is left with after taxes and living essentials, such as food, housing, etc., have been deducted.

Dispatch Note

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Also called Dispatch Advice. A document giving details of goods which have been dispatched or are ready to be dispatched to a customer.


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An individual or company who buys products, usually from manufacturers, and resells them to retail outlets or direct to customers. A wholesaler.


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The act or strategy of growing a business/brand by developing its range of products, services, investments, etc.


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In the context of work/organizations, diversity is a business/employment term originating in the late 1900s, referring to the quality of a workforce (and potentially a group of users/customers or audience) as defined by its mixture of people according to ethnicity, race, religion, disability, gender, sexuality, age, etc. The use of the term diversity assumes that […]


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In business, divest/divestment refers to a corporation selling subsidiary interests, especially a subsidiary company. (The term derives originally from a more literal meaning of taking power of rights from someone or a body – from the original French desvestir, meaining literally removal of a person’s vest or garment.)

Docking Station

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A device to which a notebook computer or a laptop can be connected so it can serve as a desktop computer.