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Customs or Import duty for Workshop manual to New Zealand

The Customs or Import duty for Workshop manual to New Zealand is classified under Books,Newspapers and Magazines(cdf categories).

The HSCODE applied for Workshop manual is 49-1-99-9-9

The tax is applied on the total sum of item cost, insurance cost and shipment cost.

The custom/import taxes are:

General duty is 0%

Special Tariff rate 1 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 2 is NULL

The average VAT rate applicable in New Zealand is 0.15

Note: If the special tariff rate is NULL then general duty is applicable.

The other taxes applicable are:

Import Entry Transaction Fee

Import Declaration

Entry Levy

To know more information on which tariff rate is applicable from the country you are importing to, look here

To get the accurate amount, calculate here

Calculation method:

Customs Duties or Import duty and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into New Zealand Either by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

  • The import duty payable is calculated exclusively on the value of the imported goods.
  • Along with Import duty, import goods are also subject to GST, IETF, ICTF and excise duty on some products.

Below is the Duty and Sales tax for New Zealand :

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 15% 5.11% ST=15%
VAT = ST * (CIF + Duty+ other taxes)
No duty or other chanrges when the duty and tax payable is less than or equal to NZ$60

Extra taxes and customs fees while importing:

Type of Tax Products Rates threshold
IETF All NZ$29.26 More than NZ$60(sum of duty and GST)
system entry levy All products on which IETF applicable NZ$19.98 No partcular threshold

Please find the lists and detailed information about other taxes here.


  • Some goods like books, laptops and other electronic products are not subject to duty.
  • GST is calculated on the sum of the CIF value, any applicable duty, excise, ALAC (HPA) Levy, and HERA Levy.
  • Prohibited Items:

    • Banderols/tax stickers
    • Cash-like’ negotiable instruments in bearer form (except event tickets)
    • Imitation (replica) firearms, weapons, explosive devices or ammunition
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