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Customs or Import duty for Parts & accessories of pianos to Russian Federation

The Customs or Import duty for Parts & accessories of pianos to Russian Federation is classified under Movies, Music & Video Games(cdf categories).

The HSCODE applied for Parts & accessories of pianos is 95-4-30-10-0

The tax is applied on the total sum of item cost, insurance cost and shipment cost.

The custom/import taxes are:

General duty is 10.6%

Special Tariff rate 1 is 0%

Special Tariff rate 2 is 0%

Special Tariff rate 3 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 4 is NULL

The average VAT rate applicable in Russian Federation is 0.18

Note: If the special tariff rate is NULL then general duty is applicable.

The other taxes applicable are:

Excise duty

To know more information on which tariff rate is applicable from the country you are importing to, look here

To get the accurate amount, calculate here

Calculation method:

Customs Duties or Import duty and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into Russia whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Below table provide the Duty and Sales tax for Russia :

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 100% 7.8% ST=18%
VAT = ST * (CIF + Duty+ other taxes)
  • Duty and Taxes are free if CIF value and weight do not exceed 1000 and 31 kg per for personal imports.
  • There is not threshold for commercial imports
  • For more detailed information on Custom duties and taxes: Customs, Duties and Taxes

For temporary importation of goods and its regulation , go to temporary importation of goods

For passenger custom declarations go to Passenger customs declaration

Other taxes and customs

Excise duty will be applicable on alcoholic and tobacco products.

Prohibited Items:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Antiques
  • Asbestos
  • Furs
  • Hazardous or combustible materials (as defined in IATA Regulations)
  • Oil subject to excise (fuel)
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