Most popular items

Customs or Import duty for Ukuleles, Banjoukulele, Banjos, Mandolins, Lutes, Psaltery, Guitar, Oud, Sitar to Russian Federation

The Customs or Import duty for Ukuleles, Banjoukulele, Banjos, Mandolins, Lutes, Psaltery, Guitar, Oud, Sitar to Russian Federation is classified under Movies, Music & Video Games(cdf categories).

The HSCODE applied for Ukuleles, Banjoukulele, Banjos, Mandolins, Lutes, Psaltery, Guitar, Oud, Sitar is 92-9-92-0-0

The tax is applied on the total sum of item cost, insurance cost and shipment cost.

The custom/import taxes are:

General duty is 5%

Special Tariff rate 1 is 0%

Special Tariff rate 2 is 0%

Special Tariff rate 3 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 4 is NULL

The average VAT rate applicable in Russian Federation is 0.18

Note: If the special tariff rate is NULL then general duty is applicable.

The other taxes applicable are:

Excise duty

To know more information on which tariff rate is applicable from the country you are importing to, look here

To get the accurate amount, calculate here

Calculation method:

Customs Duties or Import duty and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into Russia whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Below table provide the Duty and Sales tax for Russia :

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 100% 7.8% ST=18%
VAT = ST * (CIF + Duty+ other taxes)
  • Duty and Taxes are free if CIF value and weight do not exceed 1000 and 31 kg per for personal imports.
  • There is not threshold for commercial imports
  • For more detailed information on Custom duties and taxes: Customs, Duties and Taxes

For temporary importation of goods and its regulation , go to temporary importation of goods

For passenger custom declarations go to Passenger customs declaration

Other taxes and customs

Excise duty will be applicable on alcoholic and tobacco products.

Prohibited Items:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Antiques
  • Asbestos
  • Furs
  • Hazardous or combustible materials (as defined in IATA Regulations)
  • Oil subject to excise (fuel)
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Ukuleles, Banjoukulele, Banjos, Mandolins, Lutes, Psaltery, Guitar, Oud, Sitar
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