South Korea – Customs and Import duty tax calculation method

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Customs Duties or Import dutyA tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a coun... and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into South-Korea whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Along with duty imports are also subjected to sales taxKnown as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the..., education taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom..., STRD taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom..., transportation taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom..., special consumption taxTax paid which is based on the price of services or goods, e..., and liquor taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom....

Below table provide the Duty and Sales taxKnown as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the... for South Korea :

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 40% (Some products are duty free) 4.17% ST=10%
VAT = ST * (CIF + Duty+ other taxes)
Duty and VAT free if CIF value is less than KRW 150,000

Sales TaxKnown as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the...

For the most products, 8% customs duties and 10 % value added taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... (VAT). However, some goods are liable to special excise taxes and other taxes.

In general, all the household goods (except automobiles, boats, luxury jewelry, second items depending on the situation) are exempt from Customs duties and taxes. In addition, pianos, refrigerators, dryers, ovens or some other household goods are exempt from Customs duties and taxes only once because there’s usually only one of those items per household.

However, you need to prove that you are going to live in Korea for more than two years and the goods should be brought into Korea within 6 months of your first arrival. You can’t file duty-free applications on brandA unique identifying symbol, trademark, company name, etc., ... new products, gifts, professional goods, goods for sale and other goods that aren’t household necessities.

Automobiles, airplanes, boats and jewelry (worth more than 1 million won) are charged with regular duties and taxes. For all the details of Customs dutyA tax which must be paid on imported, and sometimes exported... and taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... rates applicable, please refer to the Duties and Taxes in Korea or Simplified Duty Rate at Simplified Clearance on the Korea Customs’ web site. Besides customs duties and taxes, some items require licensing & approval procedures in other government agencies. These include food, alcohol, pets, medicine, and cars. For details, please read more on importing individual items.

Other taxes and custom fees while importing in to South Korea:

Special consumption taxTax paid which is based on the price of services or goods, e... STRD (Special TaxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... for Rural Development) Transportation taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... Liquor taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... Education TaxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom...
5% to 20% 10%(Special Consumption taxTax paid which is based on the price of services or goods, e...) Based on Size and Quantity 5% to 72%(CIF value + duty) 10% to 30% (Special Consumption taxTax paid which is based on the price of services or goods, e... or Liquor taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom...)