Saint Martin – Trade Statistics

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  • The top exports of Saint Maarten are Recreational Boats ($22.2M), Hard Liquor ($1.33M), Scrap Iron ($599k), Precious Metal Scraps ($559k) and Scrap Copper ($510k), etc. The net export value is $28.1M.
  • The top export destinations of Saint Maarten are the United Kingdom ($22.1M), the United States ($2.42M), France ($1.16M), the Netherlands ($1.06M) and Greece ($442k).
  • The top imports are Jewellery ($218M), Base Metal Watches ($34.3M), Refined Petroleum ($28.6M), Cars ($18.5M) and Other Edible Preparations ($17.1M), etc. The net import value is $679M.
  • The top import origins are the United States ($537M), the Netherlands ($40.8M), France ($33.9M), Switzerland ($24.4M) and Italy ($10.8M).
  • Unlike any other island in the region, St. Maarten enjoys a Duty Free status with no import or export taxes. This allows for the tariffA government tax on imported and exported goods. free importation of raw materials for construction and manufacturing as well as taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... free exportation of finished goods to be sold in foreign markets. These attributes make St. Maarten ideal for investmentMoney or capital that is invested in a business or in an acc.... Furthermore, as an overseas country of the Netherlands, St. Maarten receives more favorable tradeThe buying and selling or exchange of goods and services. Th... relations with the European UnionEU. Previously called the European Community. An internation... making exports to that marketThe commercial activity of buying and selling goods and serv... more viableCapable of being done or working successfully..