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A time period when a service, e.g. phone network, travel, electricity, gas, etc., is being used less frequently by consumers, therefore prices and rates are cheaper at this time.


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A person who does not wish to be in ‘the system’ (for example has no bank account, employment or tax identification, no fixed address, etc). May instead refer to a person who lives self-suffiently in terms of gas, electric, water, sewerage services, etc. Or someone not connected to the internet.


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Refers to accounts, investments, banks, etc., which are in countries where there are lower taxes and/or little government control.


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A small, elite group of usually wealthy people or families who control a government or organisation, and who are unwilling to share their power.


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A market in which a small number of companies control the supply of certain goods and services.


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A government official who investigates complaints from the general public about companies, government officials, the media, etc.