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A person, usually a solicitor, officially authorised to witness signatures and certify legal documents.

Notice Of Deficiency

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In the US, an official document sent to a taxpayer which shows that they owe more tax than has been declared on their tax form.

Notice Period

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The period of time during which an employee must work between resigning from and leaving their place of work.

Number Cruncher

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An accountant or person who’s job is working with numbers, and who is able to do large calculations. A computer which can perform complex calculations in a short time.

Numbered Account

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Often called a Swiss Bank Account. An account, offered by certain banks, which can only be identified by a number, so the account holder is known only to a restricted number of the bank’s employees.

Objects Clause

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A section in a company’s Memorandum Of Association which sets out the objectives of the company.

Occupational Psychology

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Also called Organisational Psychology. The study of peoples behaviour at work, covering personal relations, mental health, employee selection and training, safety, etc.