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A set of informal rules and regulations that govern Internet etiquette, i.e., the acceptable behaviour of people on the World Wide Web.


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A person who meets and builds relationships with other people in order to make business or social contacts.

New Issue

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On the Stock Market, a share or bond which is offered to the public for the first time.


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Term used to describe a product or technology which has been improved or upgraded so that the newest version is much more advanced than previous versions.

Niche Market

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A specialised market in which a specific product is sold to a particular type or group of customers. A product or service for which there is sometimes little demand and often little or no competition.

Nielsen Rating

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In the US, a system which measures TV audiences, i.e., which programmes are watched by which type of person. Companies use this information to decide when to advertise their products, and TV companies use this information to set prices for advertisement slots.

NIH Syndrome

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Not Invented Here. A term used for companies who reject ideas or products which are not theirs because they originated from outside the company.