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Also known as Begware. Computer shareware that periodically displays messages on your computer screen prompting you to register for a product and/or pay a fee.

Naked Debenture

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Also known as Uncovered Debenture. A company’s loan or debt which is not backed by any security, i.e., the company’s assets.

Narrow Money

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Also called M1. A country’s money supply which can be exchanged, for example coins, bank notes, bank cheques, travellers cheques, etc.

National Brand

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A brand or product which is available nationwide rather than a local brand which is available in only one area of the country.

National Insurance

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(NI) In the UK, contributions made to the government by employers and employees which provide payments to the sick, retired and unemployed.

Natural Wastage

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In business, the process of reducing the number of employees by not replacing those who have left their jobs, rather than by redundancy or dismissal.

Negative Equity

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A term commonly used in the property market during a recession when a property is worth less in value than the outstanding balance of the loan with which it was purchased. This usually only affects the borrower if they need to sell the property during this time.