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Magical or special power, referring to a charismatic person, or a product with unusually seductive qualities. Such people can be said to have their ‘mojo working’, an expression popularised by blues singer Muddy Waters in his 1957 hit song ‘Got My Mojo Working’.-

Mondeo Man

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A derogatory term used to describe the average British man, who is depicted as boring, living in a semi-detached house in Kent with a wife and two children. Also used to describe travelling salesmen, a large number of who drive Mondeo cars.

Monetary Base

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Also known as Narrow Money in the UK. The total amount of a country’s currency which is in circulation, for example, coins, notes, etc. – held by individuals and in bank deposits.


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A situation in which one company or organisation has complete control of all, or nearly all, of the market for a particular type of product or service.


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Also known as Buyers Monopoly, a market in which there is only one customer for a product or service being sold by several sellers.

Moore’s Law

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Founder of Intel Gordon Moore’s theory that the power of computing has the potential to double every two years (often quoted as every 18 months).-

Moral Hazard

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The situation in businesses and organisations when people are protected, e.g. by insurance cover, so they are more likely to take risks.


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A loan acquired from a bank, building society, etc., with which to buy property or land, usually to be paid back with interest over a specified number of years at regular monthly intervals. To borrow money from a bank, etc., using your property as collateral, giving the lender the right to own your property if […]