Best Boy

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The person on film sets, TV, etc., who is the assistant to the electrician.

Bid Bond

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A sum agreed to be paid by a company that wins a contract if the work is not carried out.

Big Bang

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Occurred (UK) on 27th October 1986, when major technology changes took place on the London Stock Exchange chiefly to replace manual systems with electronic processes.


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The biological identification of human features, such as eyes, voices and hands, increasingly used to identify individuals, e.g., in laptop computers, entry systems and passports.

Black Knight

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A company which makes a hostile takeover bid for another company that does not want to be bought.


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A person who talks at great length without saying anything useful. Originally a Scottish 16thC expression adopted into American slang from the song Maggie Lauder during the US War of Independence.

Blind Test

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Research method in which people are asked to try a number of similar products which are not identified by brand name, to decide which product is the best.

Blind Trial

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A trial, with two groups of people, to test the effect of a new product, especially in medicine. One group is given the real product while the other group is given a placebo or ‘sugar pill’, which does not contain any medication.


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In computing, software that needs so much computer memory that it takes a long time to load and therefore does not function properly.