Minister without portfolio

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A government minister who has not been appointed to any specific department, and who has no specific departmental responsibilities. Also refers metaphorically to an executive or director or manager in an organization who has authority and rank but no responsibility for specific activity.

Mirror Site

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On the Internet, an exact copy of a popular website. This is done so that some of the traffic can be diverted from the original website to the Mirror Site when the original site becomes very busy. Alternatively a copy website whose purpose is to attract and direct additional visitors towards the original site, regarded […]

Misery Index

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Created by economist Arthur Okun, an economic indicator of a country which adds the inflation rate to the unemployment rate.

Mission Creep

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Originally applied to military operations, a gradual expansion of a project that goes beyond original aims, so things turn out differently than planned, often resulting in undesirable consequences.


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To make something less severe or dangerous, e.g., using ‘Mitigating Circumstances’ as an excuse to try to make an offence seem less serious than it appears.

Mixed Economy

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A country’s economic system which has both private and state owned enterprises in operation.


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A technique or mechanism, popularly called a ‘memory-aid’, for helping to remember something (a rule, process, concept, theory, etc., or simply a job to do or mental note).-


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An arbitrator or mediator. Someone who presides over a debate. On the Internet – a person who presides over a website forum to make sure that rules and guidelines are adhered to.