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A branch of economics which studies individual parts of the economy, such as households, industries and businesses, and how they make decisions about spending money, use of goods and services, etc.


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A small separate part of a larger website which is designed to be used for a particular purpose, e.g., advertising or selling. Often co-

Middle Management

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In organisations and business, managers who are in charge of small departments and groups of people while reporting to upper management.


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A person who arranges business or political deals between people, usually for a commission or fee, or, more generally, any person or company buying goods from a supplier and selling them to customers, usually at a profit.


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On the stock exchange, the middle period of trading during the day, usually around noon.

Milk Round

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In the UK, a term used when large companies visit universities each year to advertise job opportunities to students.

Minimax Strategy

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In Game Theory and strategy generally, a method which seeks to minimise the maximum potential losses, which usually equates to ‘playing safe’.-