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The practice of promoting and selling goods. Commercial products which are associated with a film, pop group, TV show, celebrity, etc., such as toys, clothing, food products, household items, etc.

Merchant Bank

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Known in the US as an Investment Bank. A financial institution which offers financial advice and services to large businesses and wealthy individuals.


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In business, a system in which people advance because of their abilities rather than their connections or wealth, etc.


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TV/Movie term for a visual mistake in a film or TV show, derived from the accidental inclusion of a beer can in a TV drama scene featuring Merlin, in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Mesne Profits

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Compensation or penalty charges instead of, or ‘in lieu’ of, rent claimed by a landlord against a person illegally occupying land or property and subsequently evicted, commonly arising from a court order.

Mezzanine Finance

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A high interest, usually unsecured, loan in which the lender often has the right to obtain shares in the business which has acquired the loan. Sometimes used in management buy-outs.


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A type of blogging allowing users to post or broadcast pictures and/or short messages or articles typically in the range of 140-200 characters.


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In the US, small companies on the stock exchange that have shares which are very low in total value.