Maternity Pay

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An employee benefit paid to pregnant women when they take time off from their job to have their baby. Entitlement to Maternity Pay depends on how long they have worked for their employer and varies from country to country.

Mates Rates

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To sell a product or service to a friend or family member at a discounted or reduced rate on the normal price.

Matrix Management

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Also known as Dotted Line Responsibility. A system of management in which people from different departments in an organisation work together, so that each individual employee has two bosses, one functional and one operational. This is common in project management.


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An independent thinker who does not conform to accepted opinion on certain matters and takes a stand from other people.


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A tendency (for a person or activity, etc) to convey a favourable impression when reported by the media.


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A situation in which something, or someone, suddenly dramatically ceases to function properly.


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Usually used for communication within an organisation. Memos can be formal letters or informal notes to colleagues.


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Someone who is experienced and gives guidance and support to a person less experienced to help them develop and grow and achieve their goals.

Menu Bar

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On a computer screen, the strip at the top of each open window that contains pull down menus with functions, for example file, edit, etc.