
Posted on

The process of valuing a security, share, etc., on a daily basis to assess its current price, rather than its acquisition price or book value.

Marketing Mix

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A set of marketing tools used by a company to sell its products and/or services to a target market.

Marketing Myopia

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When a business is being shortsighted regarding the needs of its customers, only focusing on its products or short range goals and missing marketing opportunities.


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A brand name or model of a well-known manufactured product, especially an expensive car.

Mass Market

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Describes products or services which have mass appeal and are aimed at large numbers of people or a whole population.

Mass Marketing

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Marketing a product or service to the general public through the mass media, for example, TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.

Master Franchise

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Allows companies or individuals the right to purchase a sub-franchise business which can be developed in a particular area or country.

Material Requirements Planning

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(MRP) The use of computer software to plan and manage a production process, for example the amount of materials or parts required, calculation of workload, delivery schedules, etc.

Maternity Leave

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The time a pregnant employee is entitled to take off from her job before and after the birth of her baby. Entitlement to Maternity Leave depends on how long the woman has been with her employer.