Market Economy

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A situation in which businesses operate in a free market, i.e., they are in competition with each other and are not under government control.

Market Forces

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Influences, such as the availability of raw materials for the production of goods, or customer numbers, which affect supply, demand and prices of products and services.

Market Leader

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A company or brand which has the highest sales of a particular product. A best-selling product.

Market Orientation

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A business strategy whereby a company focuses on meeting the customers needs and wants regarding products and services.

Market Penetration Price

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A low price at which a new product is offered when it first comes onto the market, in order to attract customers, after which the price is usually increased.

Market Research

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The process of gathering and analysing information about customers, competitors, etc., in order to make decisions and solve problems connected with selling products or services.

Market Sector

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Competing businesses which produce or buy similar goods and/or services. The customers for which certain goods and services are marketed.

Market Segment

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A subgroup within a larger market in which people share certain characteristics and require similar products or services.

Market Test

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The testing of a product or service in several areas of the country to see if customers will like it and want to buy it.