Interest Rate

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A fee which is charged for borrowing money, e.g., a loan from a bank or financial institution, lease arrangement, goods bought through hire purchase, etc.


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A mediator or agent who negotiates between two parties who are unable or unwilling to reach an agreement by themselves.

Internal Equity

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In a company or organisation, ensures the pay each employee receives is determined fairly by the type of job they do.

International Monetary Fund

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IMF. Established in 1944 by the United Nations to monitor foreign exchange systems and encourage trade between member nations. It also lends money to developing countries with economic problems.


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Relating to the Internet. Being unable to locate a particular website which you found interesting or on which you saw a useful piece of information.

Internet Cafe

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Also called a Cybercafe. A public place where people can use a computer, usually for a fee, to check e-mail, access the Internet, etc. These places often sell drink and food, like a regular cafe.

Intervention Price

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A guaranteed minimum price set by a government for a product, usually farm produce. If the price falls below this then the government, or agency, will buy the produce at the Intervention Price.


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The policy of a government to intervene and manipulate a country’s (often its own) affairs and/or economy.