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A term used to describe the growth of a business from mergers or takeovers, rather than from the increase in productivity or activity of the company’s own business.

Inside Information

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Information about a company which is known only by the owners, management and/or employees, and not the general public. The use of Inside Information for the buying and selling of shares is usually illegal.

Inside Track

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An advantageous position in a company or organisation. To know about something before others get to hear about it.

Insurance Adjuster

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Also known as a Claims Adjuster. An independent person who investigates insurance claims for an insurance company and evaluates the damage caused and decides whether the claims are valid, and if they are, how much should be paid in settlement to the insured party.

Intellectual Capital

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The skills and knowledge of a company’s employees, which can be used to make the company more successful than its competitors.

Intellectual Property

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Commonly abbreviated to IP, an idea or creation, e.g., artwork, writing, etc., that belongs to an individual or organisation, which has commercial value and therefore cannot be copied or sold without the owner’s permission.

Inter Alia

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Latin for ‘among other things’ – a traditional term which typically precedes a list of examples, and is found in official or formal text or various sorts. Inter alios means ‘among other people’, but is much less used.