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A person who owns or runs a large industrial enterprise. They are often referred to as a Business Magnate.


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Normally referring to the economy of a country, inflation is the gradual increase in the price of goods and/or services, and the consequential devaluing of the national currency. Inflation is typically up to 10%, or more unusually approaching 20% per year. Minimising inflation is normally a high priority within national fiscal policy since higher levels […]


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An agent who works on behalf of a business, collecting information on, and developing profiles of, individual customers.

Inheritance Tax

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Also called Death Duty in the UK. Known as Death Tax in the US. A tax imposed by the government which much be paid on the total value of the estate of a deceased person.


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An official court order which demands that someone must refrain from carrying out certain actions.


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The introduction of new ideas, goods, etc., or new methods of production. A new way of doing something.