Incentive Marketing

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The offering of rewards or gifts to sales people as an incentive to get more orders from dealers or customers. To offer customers rewards for buying products or services.

Income Tax

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A tax paid by individuals to the government, the amount of which is dependent on how much a person earns from their salary and/or other sources of income.


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An organisation or company which provides support to new businesses to help them develop and grow.

Independent Financial Advisor

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(IFA) Someone who works independently, i.e., not for a particular company, and offers people advice about financial matters and recommends where to invest their money.


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Concerning salaries, pensions, investments, etc. If they are Index-Linked it means that the payments or income from these may vary according to the rate of inflation.

Indirect Materials

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In accounting, products or services, such as electricity, cleaning materials, chemicals, etc., which are used in the production of goods but are not part of the end product.


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The introduction and training of a member of staff in a new job or position in a company.

Industrial Action

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Also called a strike in the UK. Known in the US as Job Action. A protest by employees during which they refuse to work, usually because they want better wages and/or better working conditions.