Hush Money

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A bribe or payment, which is often illegal, given to someone to stop them from disclosing information, usually to prevent bad publicity or to hide a crime.


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An extraordinarily high rate of economic inflation during which a country’s prices rise and currency loses its value uncontrollably in a vicious cycle, usually occurring during severe political instability or war. Normally inflation is measured in terms of a few percentage points increase per year – typically below 10% and sometimes approaching 20%. By contrast […]

Idea Showers

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Usually called Brainstorming. A method of problem solving involving members of a group meeting and sharing ideas.

Identity Theft

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A crime in which someone obtains another person’s personal information, such as passport, credit card details, etc., and poses as that person in order to steal money, get benefits, make purchases, etc.

Idle Time

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The time that a piece of equipment or a machine, such a as computer, is available, but is not being used.


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To charge somebody, usually a government official, with serious misconduct. To cast somebody out of public office, for example a president or courtroom judge because of a serious crime or misdemeanor.


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To seize and hold property, funds, etc., in custody (typically by a state-empowered authority), often during legal dispute.

Incapacity Benefit

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A state benefit in the UK which is paid to people below pensionable age who have made National Insurance contributions, and who are too ill or disabled to work.