Gravy Train

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A business activity which makes a large profit for an individual or an organisation without much effort. To have it easy.

Green Audit

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Also called Environmental Audit. An official assessment which shows the effect that an organisation or a company has on the environment.

Green Card

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In the US, a legal document which allows an immigrant to become a permanent resident, to work legally and to become eligible for citizenship.

Green Taxes

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Also called Ecotax. Taxes which are levied on companies, businesses, etc., to discourage activities which will harm the environment.


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An informal term for US paper money, i.e., the dollar, derived from the colour of the money.

Grey Knight

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A third person, or company, who makes an unsolicited bid in a corporate takeover, and who takes advantage of any problems which arise between the first bidder (White Knight) and the company being acquired.

Gross Domestic Product

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Commonly abbreviated to GDP, Gross Domestic Product is a very frequently used term in business and economics, and basically refers to a nation’s total production at market values. GDP is however not easily explained or understood at a detailed and precise level. GDP may be calculated in different ways. Each method requires some qualification of […]

Gross Profit Margin

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Expressed as a percentage, what is left from a company’s sales after cost of goods sold is paid out. Gross profit margin is obtained by dividing gross income by net sales.


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Negotiate with someone over the price of something until an agreeably mutual price is reached.


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a percentage subtraction from the market value of an asset, typically on a large scale, enforced by a powerful institution or authority in response to debt/liabilities incurred by the asset owners/investors, producing an effective devaluation of the asset. The ‘haircut’ term became a more general description for a tax or levy imposed on ordinary savings […]