Gift Tax

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A tax payable on gifts over a certain annual value made during the lifetime of the giver.


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An agreement in which employees accept a wage reduction or fewer benefits as a gesture of goodwill, usually because of an economic downturn. The employees are often offered wage rises and new benefits at a later date.

Glamour Stock

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A company’s shares, which are very popular with investors, because they have performed well on the stock exchange.


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A portmanteau word meaning ‘glamorous camping’, for example staying in a posh serviced yurt (a large Mongolian-style nomadic tent) and eating luxury hamper foods.

Glass Ceiling

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An invisible barrier in the workplace which prevents women and minority groups from advancing to positions of leadership in a company, although some do manage to ‘break through’ the glass ceiling.

Glass Wall

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An imaginary barrier in the workplace which prevents women and minority groups from being employed in other sectors of business or industry.


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Combination of Glitter and Literati. Glamorous, rich, famous people, often connected to show business.

Global Village

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A term used to describe the whole world as a single community, connected by electronic communication systems, such as the Internet.


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The process of integrating nations, economically and socially, through free trade, international business activities, technology (for example the Internet), etc.


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Global Localisation. A term used when an international company adapts its manufacturing methods, products or services to suit local conditions.