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To take part of someone’s wages, by law, to pay their debts, e.g. child support, alimony.


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A person in an organisation who controls access to the people in the organisation, and/or controls access to information or goods, or even a market. Microsoft could be described as a gatekeeper to the computer industry. Google could be described as a gatekeeper to the internet industry.


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A US term for a fast growing company that creates a lot of job opportunities, and which has grown by at least 20% in the last four years.


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In selling and buying property, a term used to describe when a purchaser has an offer accepted by the vendor but is then gazumped because someone else makes the vendor a higher offer which the vendor then accepts instead of the first person’s offer.

Geek Speak

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Technical language often used by computer experts which doesn’t make sense to non-technical people.

General Creditor

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A person or company that lends unsecured money, so that the creditor is unlikely to recover much of the loan if the debtor goes bankrupt or does not pay it back.

General Strike

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Widespread withdrawal of labour by a nation’s workforce, which aims at bringing the country to a standstill because of a disagreement over pay and/or working conditions. –

Generation X

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A term used for people born during the 1960s and 1970s, who are often described as disaffected and irresponsible.