Fulfilment House

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A provider of order – processing fulfilment services to a ‘selling’ company, typically processing sales/orders of the selling company, through to the delivery of products to the purchaser. Specific activities of a fulfilment house generally include warehousing, stock control, order picking, packaging, distribution/delivery to the customer (and confirmation thereof), and typically a degree of direct […]

Full-Time Contract

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FT. A permanent or ongoing contract of employment in which the employee works at least the standard number of hours in a working week, usually 35.


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Describes goods or commodities which can be exchanged for something of the same kind, of equal value and quality.


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In the entertainment industry, a member of a film crew who handles the lighting equipment.


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Also called profit sharing. An incentive system which enables employees to have a share in a company’s profits.

Game Theory

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Sometimes called Games Theory, this is a potentially highly complex branch of mathematics increasingly found in business which uses the analysis of competing strategies (of for example market participants) and their effects opon each other to predict and optimise outcomes and results. Relates strongly to cause and effect and chaos theory. Game Theory may also […]

Gantt Chart

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Developed by Henry Gantt in 1917. A type of bar chart which illustrates the scheduled and completed work of a project. It shows start and finish dates, compares work planned to work done and tracks specific tasks.

Gap Analysis

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Enables a company to assess the gap between its actual performance and its potential performance, by comparing what skills, products, etc. are available to what is required to improve performance, output, etc.

Garden Leave

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Also called Gardening Leave. Term used when an employee’s contract has been terminated but they are instructed by the company to stay away from work, on full pay, during their notice period. Often to prevent them from working for competitors during that time.