Free Rider

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A person or organisation that enjoys benefits and services provided by others, and doesn’t pay their fair share of the costs.

Free Zone

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An area in a country where importers can store foreign goods, prior to further transportation, without having to pay customs duties or taxes on them.


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A situation in which companies provide certain goods and services for free, and those businesses who don’t follow suit are likely to fail.


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A UK postal system, usually used in business, in which the recipient business pays the postage on mail, rather than the sender or customer.


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Computer software that is copyrighted by the author and offered, usually on the Internet, free of charge.

Fringe Benefit

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A benefit given to employees in addition to their salary, such as a company car, pension scheme, paid holidays, etc.


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An abbreviation of the Financial Times Stock Exchange (Index), commonly referred to verbally as ‘footsie’. There are various FTSE indices (indexes), including most notably the FTSE 100, which is the index of the top 100 shares on the London Stock Exchange, whose movement is regarded as an important indicator of national (and wider) economic health […]


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In the context of business and retailing, fulfilment refers to the processing of a (consumer or commercial) customer’s purchase/order i.e., a ‘sale’. Fulfilment is generally considered to happen after the order is placed and usually payment is made, completing on confirmation of safe and correct delivery to the customer.