Asset Stripping

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Buying a stricken company and selling off its assets with no thought for the future of the company or its people, customers, etc.


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Anything of value which is owned by an individual, company, organisation, etc.


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The process of reducing the number of employees in an organisation by not replacing people who leave their jobs.


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A qualified person who officially examines the financial records of a company to check their accuracy.


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An artist or creative, for example a film director, whose personal style is recognizable because he/she keeps tight control over all aspects of the work.

Avant Garde

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New or original and often unconventional techniques, concepts, products, etc, usually associated with the arts and creative areas.


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An identity, often in cartoon form, which can be chosen from a selection or created by the person using it to represent themselves in a website chatroom, etc.

Average Daily Rate

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In the hotel industry a calculation of the average price at which a hotel room is booked each night based on total daily revenue divided by the number of rooms sold. The term may have more general meanings in other contexts.


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Business To Business, or in normal communications ‘business to business’. –