Fortune 500

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Published by Fortune magazine, an annual list of the 500 US corporations with the largest revenue.

Forward Integration

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A business strategy whereby a company takes control of its distributors, therefore guaranteeing the distribution of the controlling company’s products.

Forwarding company

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Also called a ‘freight forwarder’, a company specialising in transfer of freight from businesses or individuals by finding an appropriate transporter of the goods.

Fractional Ownership

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An arrangement where a number of people or companies each buy a percentage of an expensive asset, such as a property. The individual owners then share the asset, and when it is sold the profits are distributed back to the owners.

Free Collective Bargaining

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A situation in which workers and union members meet with employers to discuss working conditions, pay, etc., in talks that are not limited by law or government.

Free Enterprise

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An economic system in which private businesses have the freedom to compete with each other for profit, with minimal interference from the government.

Free Market

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A market in which prices of goods and services are affected by supply and demand, rather than government regulation.

Free On Board

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Maritime trade term. The supplier delivers the goods to a ship at a specified port. The supplier then pays the shipping costs after obtaining official clearance. Once they have been put on board, the buyer is then responsible for the goods.

Free Port

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A port where goods can be brought and stored temporarily, without custom duties having to be paid, before being shipped to another country.