Fiscal Policy

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A government policy to regulate a nation’s annual economic activity by setting tax levels and determining government expenditure.

Five Nines

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Refers to the 99.999% of the time that some companies claim their computer systems work properly.

Fixed Assets

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Assets, such as property, equipment, furniture, vehicles, etc., which are owned by a company and which are needed to operate the business.

Fixed Costs

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Costs, or overheads , which are incurred by a business whether or not it is operating or generating income, such as wages, rent, insurance, utilities (for example electricity, gas, water), etc.

Fixed Parity

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In foreign exchange, when the currency of one country is equal in value to the currency of another country.

Fixed Term Contract

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Also known as Temporary Contract. A contract of employment which ends on a specific date, or on completion of a task or project. Fixed term employees have the rights to the same pay, conditions and benefits as full-time employees.


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A person who makes arrangements for someone else, usually for a fee, by using their influence and often underhand, illegal methods.


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To send a rude or unacceptable message by e-mail, or to post a message on an Internet forum which is offensive or inciteful.

Flash Drive

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A small portable device such as a ‘pen drive’ which connects to a USB port on a computer and is used to store data which can then be transferred to another computer. The term flash drive derives from ‘flash’ memory, invented by Dr Fujio Masuoka of Toshiba around 1980. The name flash (apparently, according to […]


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In the entertainment industry, these are painted canvas sheets fixed onto wooden frames used on film sets, etc. for scenery.