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To provide or obtain funds for a business, commercial project, an individual, etc. The management of money. To sell or provide goods on credit.

Financial Engineering

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The practice of solving financial problems or creating financial opportunities in a company, by changing the way money is borrowed, debts paid, etc.


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The amount of power, money and/or influence that is available to a business or organisation.


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A system in a computer which prevents unwanted or unauthorised access, but allows the authorised user to receive information.


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Describes the fixed programs, which cannot be lost or changed, in electronic devices such as digital cameras, calculators, remote controls, etc.

First Mover

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A business that gains an advantage by being the first to establish itself in a specific market by producing a new product or offering a new service, or by being the first to use new technology.

Fiscal Drag

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A situation in which wages rise because of inflation but income tax thresholds are not increased, which can push people into higher tax brackets and therefore makes them pay an increased proportion of their wages in tax.