
Posted on

Advertising term. A name given to the number of people who visit a website advertisement, which can be counted by the number of click-throughs.

Factory Floor

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The area of a factory where the goods are made. Also the collective name of the ordinary workers in a factory, rather than management.

Factory Price

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The price charged for goods direct from the factory, not including transport costs, etc. Factory Price is often quoted by retailers or in advertisements to show that products are for sale at a very low price.

Fairy Dust

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A term often used in the entertainment business. The final enhancement or touch on a project. The unknown factor which turns something great into something fantastic.

Fallen Angel

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Term used in finance to describe bonds which once had a good investment value, but have now dropped in value to a much lower rating.

FALSE Accounting

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A criminal offence. Giving false information in, or destroying, a company’s accounts, usually for personal gain. Fraud.

FALSE Bottom

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On the stock market, selling prices which seem to have already hit their lowest level because of a subsequent price rise then fall through a false bottom because the price falls even lower.

Fat Cat

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A wealthy person living off investments or dividends, or a chief executive of a large company or organisation who is on a very large salary, huge pension, etc.

Fault Tolerance

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Enables a system, especially in computing, to continue to operate properly even though a component in the system has failed.