Expert System

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A computer software system which can provide expert knowledge for a specific problem when users ask a series of questions.

Export Credit

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A loan taken out by an importer with a bank in an exporters country, so that the importer can buy foreign goods and pay for them at a later date.

Export Factoring

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A facility offered by banks to exporters. The bank is responsible for collecting payments for exported goods, so that the exporter can borrow money from the bank before the goods have been paid for by the customers.


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A public event at which businesses, that produce related goods, can showcase their products and/or services.

Extension Strategy

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A marketing strategy to stop a product going into decline by making small changes to it, reaching new customers or finding new uses for it, e.g. a drink which was sold as an aid to those recovering from illness is now sold as a sports drink.

External Debt

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Also known as Foreign Debt. Money that is owed by the government, organisations or individuals to creditors in other countries.

External Equity

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A situation in which an organisation’s employees receive similar pay for the same type of work as employees in other organisations, i.e., pay which is equal to market rates.


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A private computer network to which a company’s customers and suppliers can link and communicate using the Internet.


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The estimation or determination of what will happen in the future by extending (extrapolating) known information or data. The verb usage ‘extrapolate’ is common and means using mathematics or other logical process to extend a proven trend or set of data. ‘What if?..’ scenarios and business modelling generally involves some sort of extrapolation. It’s a […]