Equity Accounting

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When a company records, in its financial records, profits which can be claimed from an affiliated company which they part own.


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Technology, invented by The Xerox Corporation, which connects computers in a local area network (LAN).-

Ethics Committee

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In medicine, an independent body which is appointed to examine and consider the rights and safety of people taking part in clinical trials.

Ethnic Monitoring

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Recording and evaluating the racial origins of employees in a company to ensure that all races are represented fairly.


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the replacement of a strong/offensive word or phrase with an alternative word or phrase considered to be milder/inoffensive. Euphemisms are used widely and very wrongly by politicians and business people attempting to avoid responsibility and personal acknowledgment of mistakes, bad decisions and unjustifiable actions, etc. Euphemisms in such situations are part of ‘spin’, or spinning […]


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Also known as the Eurozone. All the countries in the EU (European Union) that use the Euro as currency.

European Union

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EU. Previously called the European Community. An international, economical and political organisation which brought the nations of Europe together so that people, goods, money, services, etc., can move freely between member nations.

Ex Gratia

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Something given or carried out as a favour or gift, rather than as a legal duty.