Employment Law

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Also known as Labour Law. The branch of the law that deals with the legal rights of employees, e.g. workplace safety, discrimination, compensation, etc.


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Convert data into code which cannot be easily understood by people who have no authorisation to view it.

End Marker

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Used at the end of a take in a film, TV program or audition to cover a mistake or to remind people who the person auditioning was during auditions.


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A company or business. A business project, often one which is sometimes difficult and/or risky.


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An ambitious person who starts new business ventures in order to make a lot of money, often taking financial risks.


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An individual who is concerned about the protection, conservation and improvement of the natural environment.

Equal Pay Act

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In Britain, a government Act of 1970 which gives women the right to earn the same money and to receive the same benefits as men for performing the same job.