Ancillary Staff

People who provide necessary support to the primary activities and work of an organization, e.g: schools, hospitals.


Often used to provide a pension. An annuity is a fixed regular payment payed over a number of years to a person during their lifetime.


An interesting and humorous metaphorical description of something (for example a product or service or concept) that is obsolete, old-fashioned or primitive, or devised a long time ago. ‘Ante’ is Latin for ‘before’, and ‘diluvian’ is from Latin ‘diluvium’ meaning ‘deluge’, so the overall literal meaning is ‘before the flood’, being the biblical flood and […]


A person appealing to a higher court against a decision of a lower court or other decision-making body.

Apple Box

Used in films, TV, etc. Wooden boxes of various sizes which are used to elevate actors and celebrities.


A review of performance, capability, needs, etc., typically of an employee, in which case the full term is normally ‘performance appraisal’.-


A person who settles a dispute or has the ultimate authority to decide the outcome of a matter.


An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute.

Articles Of Association

The document which lists the regulations which govern the running of a company, setting out the rights and duties of directors and stockholders, individually and in meetings.

Aspirational Brand

A brand or product which people admire and believe is high quality, and wish to own because they think it will give them a higher social position.