
Posted on

Total wages, benefits or compensation paid to someone for the job they do or the office they hold.


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Used in e-mails, internet chat rooms and text messages, symbols which represent facial expressions, e.g. 🙂 = smile.

Emotional Capital

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Emotional experiences, values and beliefs of a company’s employees that make good working relationships and a successful business. Low emotional capital can result in conflict between employees, low morale and poor customer relations.


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Information derived from experience, observation or experiment rather than from theory or subjective opinion. From Greek- empeiros, meaning skilled-in turn from peira, meaning trial or experiment.


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An individual who is hired and paid by another person, company, organisation, etc., to perform a job or service.

Employee Buyout

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A transaction in which employees purchase all or most of a company’s shares, thereby gaining control of the company.

Employee Ownership

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A business model and constitutional framework in which staff hold significant or majority shares of a company, thereby ensuring higher levels of loyalty and commitment, and fairness in the way that business performance relates to employee reward. The John Lewis Partnership is one of the prime and most successful examples of the concept.

Employee Self Service

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An Internet based system which enables an employee to access their personal records and payroll details, so they can change their own bank account details, contact details, etc.


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A person, business, organisation, etc., that pays for the services of workers.