
Posted on

Freelance working using the Internet to sell services or goods anywhere in the world.


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An arrangement in which an extra future conditional payment is made to the seller of a business in addition to the original price, based upon certain criteria being met.

Earnest Money

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Money paid in good faith as a deposit, usually for a property, to show that the buyer is serious about doing business with the vendor.

Easterlin Paradox

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A theory that beyond satisfaction of basic needs, increasing wealth of a country does not produce increasing happiness, suggested by US professor of economics Richard Easterlin based on his research published in 1974.

Easy Monetary Policy

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A policy which enables the public to borrow money easily, at low interest rates, in order to expand the economy by investing the money in business activities.

Economic Life

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The period of time during which an asset, e.g. property, vehicle, machinery, etc., is expected to be usable, including repairs and maintenance, before a replacement is required.

Economic Union

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Also known as a Common Market. An agreement between a group of countries which allows the free flow of goods, services, labour, etc., between the member countries and usually has a common currency.