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The fee charged for, or the process of, transporting goods by lorry or truck.

Drip Advertising

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An advertising campaign in small amounts over a long period of time to ensure that the public is continually aware of a product or service.


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A method, usually in manufacturing, which ensures an efficient flow of work in a production process by taking into consideration any possible delays or problems which may occur.


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Two companies, or a situation, in which both companies control a particular industry.

Dutch Auction

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A type of auction which opens with a high asking price which is then lowered until someone accepts the auctioneers price, or until the sellers reserve price has been reached.


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The substitution of a neutral or positive word/phrase with a replacement word/phrase that has a more negative/pesimistic effect. The opposite or inverse of a dysphemism is euphemism. Both are widely used in press and public relations communications. Extreme examples are unethical at best, and criminally dishonest at worst.


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The opposite of Utopia, a society in which conditions are characterised by human misery, depirvation, squalor, disease, etc. The term is said to have been coined by by John Stuart Mill in 1868 in a UK House of Commons speech criticizing the government’s Irish land policy.


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Electronic Business. Using the internet to conduct business or enable businesses to link together.


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Electronic Commerce. The buying and selling of products and services over the Internet.


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Electronic currency. Used on the Internet for making and receiving payments. Companies which provide this service include Paypal and E-Gold.