Document Sharing

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Used in video-conferencing. A system which allows people in different places to view and edit the same document at the same time on their computers.

Dollar-Cost Averaging

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Known in the UK as Pound-Cost Averaging. The practice of investing a fixed amount of money at fixed times in particular shares, whatever their price. A higher share price means less shares are purchased and a lower share price means more shares can be purchased.


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In the entertainment industry, a piece of equipment on wheels which allows the camera to move smoothly for long walking shots.


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In the film and TV industry, a person who stands in, or is substituted, for a principal actor.

Double Indemnity

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A clause in a life insurance policy where the insurance company agrees to pay double the face value of the policy in the event of accidental death.


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A method of testing a new product, usually medicine, in which neither the people trying the product nor those administering the treatment know who is testing the real product and who has been given a placebo containing none of the product.


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The practice, usually regarded as unethical, of receiving two incomes or benefits from the same source, for example receiving a pension and consultancy income from the same employer.

Double-Entry Bookkeeping

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An accounting method which results in balanced ledgers, i.e., for every transaction a credit is recorded in one account and a debit is recorded in another.


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A birthing or labour coach, from the greek word doule, meaning female slave.