
Posted on

People who consider themselves to be experts of the Internet and computer industry.

Digital Wallet

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Computer software used to store a persons bank account details, name, address, etc., to enable them to make automatic payments when they are making purchases on the Internet.

Direct Marketing

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The marketing of products, services, etc., directly to individual potential customers by sending them catalogues, leaflets, brochures, etc., by mail (including e-mail), calling them on the telephone or calling door-to-door.

Direct Overhead

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A portion of the overheads, e.g. lighting, rent, etc., directly associated with the production of goods and services.


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At an official level, directives are instructions, guidelines or orders issued by a governing or regulatory body. They may amount to law. In a less formal way a directive equates to an instruction issued by an executive or manager or organizational department.


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A person appointed to oversee and run a company or organisation along with other directors, In the entertainment industry, the person who directs the making of a film, TV program, etc.

Dirty Money

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Money made from illegal activities which needs ‘laundering’ so that it appears to be legitimate.

Disability Discrimination Act

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An Act of Parliament passed in Britain in 1995 which promotes the civil rights of disabled people and protects them from discrimination in employment, education, renting property, access to transport, etc.

Discount Loan

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A loan on which the finance charges and interest is paid before the borrower receives the money.