
Posted on

Majority rule, by which the biggest proportion of members of a group determine decisions for the whole group. Democracy typically refers to a country’s political system, in which government is elected through majority vote.

Demographic Profile

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Used in marketing to describe a particular segment of the population, for example social class, age, gender, income, etc.


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To officially decide that a particular coin or banknote can no longer be used as currency.


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A sworn statement of evidence by a witness taken outside of the court proceedings before a trial.

Derived Demand

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Demand for a service or goods which is created by the demand for another service or goods, such as the demand for steel to make cars.

Desk Jockey

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An informal term for someone who spends their working day sitting behind a desk, and who is concerned about administration.


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Describes works of literature or art which are intended to be be informative or instructional, especially morally, rather than entertaining. From the ancient Greek word didaskein, which means to teach.