Decision ConsequenceAnalysis

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A process for helping decision makers, usually in the pharmaceutical and petroleum exploration industries, decide where resources such as time, money, etc., should be invested.

Decision Tree

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A diagram which starts with an initial decision, and possible strategies and actions are represented by branches which lead to the final outcome decided upon.

Deed Of Partnership

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A legal document which sets out how a partnership is to be run, and also the rights of the partners. A Deed Of Partnership is not compulsory but it helps to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

Deep Throat

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In business, an anonymous source of top secret information. First used in this sense in the reporting of the US Watergate scandal.

Deep Web

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Also known as the Invisible Web, said to contain about 500 times more information than the generally accessible world-wide web, the Deep Web comprises data held by secure organizations, for example military and government.

Defence Document

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A document that a company’s shareholders receive which explains why an offer to buy the company should be rejected.

Deficit Financing

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When a government borrows money because of a shortage of funds from taxes. This usually results in pushing up interest rates.


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Economic decline typified by falling costs of goods and services; falling levels of employment; limited money supply or credit; reduced imports; lower wage increases, often caused by lower personal spending or investment, and/or a reduction in government spending. Deflation is broadly the opposite of inflation.


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An attempt by a company to reduce its debts, for example by selling off assets, laying off staff, etc.

Demerit Goods

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Products or services such as as alcohol, gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc., which are considered unhealthy or undesirable, and are often subject to extra taxes in order to reduce consumption and potentially to fund remedial actions in response to consumption. See Sin Tax.