Dead Cat Bounce

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A derogatory term used on the stock exchange to describe a huge decline in the value of a stock, usually a share, which is immediately followed by a temporary rise in price before continuing to fall. From: “Even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height”.-

Dear Money

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Also known as Tight Money. When money is difficult to borrow, and if a loan is secured then it would be paid back at a very high rate of interest.


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Unsecured certified loan over a long period of time with a fixed rate, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.


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A meeting or interview in which a person or group of people report about a task or mission just completed or attempted.


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Money owed to another person or organisation, such as a loan, mortgage, etc., which is required to be paid back, usually with interest.

Debt-Equity Swap

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An arrangement between a lender and a debtor, usually a company, in which the lender agrees to reduce the debt in exchange for newly issued shares from the borrower.


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In employment this refers specifically to action taken by workers to disassociate themselves from a trade union which previously represented them. Aside from this the general meaning refers to withdrawal of certification of one sort or another.