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Also known as ‘Going Live’. The point in time a company or organisation, etc., replaces an old program or system with a new one.

Cyber Monday

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In recent times, the busiest online shopping day of the year, in the USA typically the Monday after Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday of November); in the UK typically the first Monday in December.


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Term credited to author William Gibson in 1984 which describes the imaginary place where e-mails, web pages, etc., go to while they are being sent between computers.


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The illegal activity of buying and registering a domain name which is a well-known brand or someone’s name, with the intent of selling it to its rightful owner in order to make a profit.

Damage Limitation

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The process of trying to limit or curtail the amount of damage or loss caused by a particular situation or event.

Dark Net

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A term for online private websites and networks concealed from and inaccessible to unauthorised users in which materials are shared, normally illegally and anonymously.

Dawn Raid

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A sudden planned purchase of a large number of a company’s shares at the beginning of a days trading on the stock exchange.