Credit Repair

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The process of helping to improve a person or company’s credit rating, sometimes by disputing or correcting credit history discrepancies.

Credit Union

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A financial institution, similar to a bank, whose members create the funds from which they can obtain loans at low rates of interest.

Crisis Management

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Actions taken by a company to deal with an unexpected event which threatens to harm the organisation, such as a loss of a major customer, bad publicity, etc.


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A principal or standard by which other things or people may be compared, or a decision may be based.

Critical Mass

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The minimum amount of customers, resources, etc., needed to maintain or start a business, venture, etc. The point at which change occurs e.g., when a company is able to continue in business and make a profit without any outside help.


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In business and politics, showing favouritism to friends and associates by giving them jobs or appointments with no regard to their qualifications or abilities.

Cross Guarantee

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Also known as Inter Company Guarantee. A guarantee by a group of companies to be responsible for the debts, etc., of another company in the group if it fails to repay them. The group also use the guarantee to raise capital or take out multiple loans.

Cross Merchandising

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Also known as Add-On Sales. In retailing, the practice of putting related products together on display in order to encourage customers to purchase several items.