
Posted on

A written promise, sometimes part of a contract, to perform, or not to perform, a particular action.

Cover Charge

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A fixed fee charged by a nightclub or a restaurant with live entertainment, which covers, or part covers, the cost of musicians, DJs, etc.

Creative Director

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A person who usually works in the advertising or entertainment industry and is responsible for planning and managing the creative aspects of an advertising or promotional campaign.


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An arrangement in which an item for sale is received by the purchaser and paid for at a later date. A loan. The positive balance in a bank account. An amount entered in a company’s accounts which has been paid by a debtor.

Credit Analysis

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The process of analysing a company’s financial records and assessing its ability to repay a loan, etc.

Credit Crunch

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Also known as Credit Squeeze. This usually precedes a recession. A situation in which loans for businesses and individuals are difficult to obtain, when a government is trying to control inflation, because of the fear of bankruptcy and unemployment. The term ‘Credit Crunch’ also became a specific informal name for the 2008 global financial crisis […]

Credit History

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A record of an individual’s or company’s debt repayment, used by lenders to asses a borrowers ability to repay a loan, mortgage, etc.

Credit Rationing

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When a bank or money lender limits the amount of funds available to borrowers, or interest rates are very high.